Economy & Jobs
Looking for Healthy Job Creation? Check Out These 4 States
While some areas of the country are still struggling to recover from the Great Recession, others have already rebounded and are enjoying strong job creation. If you’re having trouble finding a job in your current city, moving to a state that offers both better employment opportunities and no state income tax might be the way to go. Here are four options to get you started.
1. Texas
According to The Texas Economy, “Job growth, sales tax collections, and building permits all signal that the Texas economy continues to outpace the national economy.” Texas’s unemployment rate as of January 2015 was 4.4 percent, compared to 5.7 percent for the U.S. as a whole. As of May 2015, the unemployment rate in Texas had decreased even more to 4.3 percent.
“Education and health services contributed 42 percent of net new high-wage jobs due to growing demand for teachers, doctors, nurses, and other positions requiring a college degree,” states a report by Dallas Fed. Job creation in the fields of “consulting, banking, accounting, legal, and engineering” is currently growing, the report continues, because of growth in the housing market, health services, and high-tech industries.
2. Nevada
A May 2015 press release from Nevada’s Department of Employment, Training and Rehabilitation Research and Analysis Bureau states, “Job gains are predicted to be 45,000 in 2015; 52,000 in 2016; and 60,000 in 2017.”
The construction and manufacturing industries are leading the way. “The state is projected to add 7,100 construction jobs in 2015, with an additional 8,800 jobs in 2016, and 10,800 jobs in 2017,” the press release says.
Health care and social assistance are expected to grow as well, especially with the impending need for increased care for Baby Boomers: “Our projections predict an additional 4,100 jobs in 2015, 4,300 jobs in 2016, and 4,600 jobs in 2017.”
“The forecast estimates 12,200 additional jobs in 2015. We expect further gains of 13,700 jobs in 2016, and 15,300 jobs in 2017,” the release says regarding accommodation and food service, which shouldn’t come as a surprise considering the size of Nevada’s tourism industry.
3. Washington
Washington’s unemployment rate is close to the nation’s at 5.5 percent, and per its most recent monthly employment report, the state added more than 7,800 private-sector nonfarm jobs between March 2014 and April 2015.
Over the last year, construction, professional and business services, education and health care services, retail trade, and government jobs have grown significantly. “Private-sector employment rose 4.0 percent, and public-sector employment rose 2.1 percent,” the report says. This is a strong sign of continued job creation.
4. Florida
Florida’s unemployment rate also hovers around the national average at 5.7 percent. However, a Florida Department of Economic Opportunity press release shows that, from April 2014 to April 2015, jobs grew 3.4 percent, while the country overall has only seen 2.2 percent growth. “Florida’s annual job growth rate has exceeded the nation’s rate since April 2012,” it continues.
Unsurprisingly, leisure and hospitality grew 4.9 percent in the last year. Professional and business services have experienced growth at 3.9 percent, and construction has seen growth at 7.2 percent.
The Economy Is Still Growing
Rest assured that the economy is improving in certain states and cities, particularly those without state income tax. Construction is one of the fastest-growing industries in the U.S. right now, and education and health care services will always need employees.
Don’t be discouraged if you can’t find work close to home. Relocation is always an option to explore a new career path or search for a more secure future in an area with burgeoning job creation.