Getting the Most out of Life
Moving to Another State: 10 Things to Consider
Approximately 40 million people move each year in the U.S., with over 7.6 million moving to another state. Whether your reason is a new job, college, or simply a change in scenery, there are a few things to consider before you pack your bags.
1. Navigating the Housing Market
In some states, affordable housing may seem impossible to find, especially if you have an extensive list of must-have amenities. Whether you are buying or renting, check out websites such as,, and to see what’s available, affordable, and realistic.
2. Comparing the Cost of Living
Using a cost of living calculator will show you how far your salary will go in a specific region. Aside from housing costs, make sure to factor in food, utilities, gas prices, and other miscellaneous expenses before concluding if a state is within your financial means.
3. Researching Quality Health Care
Relocating means finding a new general physician, dentist, and other preventative-care specialists. States are rated differently when it comes to cost and quality of healthcare. For example, Minnesota, Utah, and Kansas are among the best healthcare systems in the country. Do your research beforehand, especially if you require specific, regular medical attention.
4. Experiencing the Local Culture
Whether it’s the sports, art, music, or food scene you are into, some areas have a lot to offer, while others may seem dead on nights and weekends. Most towns and cities have websites or local publications that include any attractions, events, and entertainment offered in the area.
5. Seeking Rewarding Employment
Will moving to your dream state propel your career forward? More importantly, will you financially survive living there? In trendier states, nailing down a job can be difficult with so many other newcomers moving in. It’s smart to look up job availability in your preferred industry before you commit. Websites such as,, and are great job-hunting sites to start you off.
6. Managing the Commute
Your transportation needs can be a huge monthly expense. Some areas of the country have exceptional transportation systems, while others will require you to own a car. When it comes to public transportation, make sure the quality and monthly costs meet your standards and your budget. Be sure to measure your commute as well, as a long commute will have a negative impact on your day-to-day routine.
7. Continuing Your Education
Choosing your alma mater can play a pivotal role in finding your next home state. If you’re unsure about where you may want to earn that degree, The Huffington Post reports that some of the best states for attending college include Maine, Montana, West Virginia, and Pennsylvania.
8. Bracing Against the Elements
Mother Nature is capable of negatively impacting your mood, skyrocketing your utility bill, and locking you indoors. Look up data on precipitation and average seasonal temperatures before you make your decision.
9. Calculating State Taxes
Taxes vary widely from state to state and can greatly affect your paycheck. Before you pick a new state of residency, you should measure how state income taxes, property taxes, and sales tax will affect your bottom line.
10. Befriending the Locals
Lastly, be sure to explore each state’s demographics carefully, paying particularly close attention to local age brackets. You may find it difficult to make friends if you move to an area largely populated by retirees. The U.S. Census Bureau is a great resource for demographic data.